Student: Abdul Wahab Bhatti

Grade: 3

Month: December – January





Topics Covered


ü  Practice of Writing Detailed 'Myself'

ü  Forming Words From Alphabets, with the Help of Sounds

ü  Sentence Making

ü  Pronouns

ü  Antonyms & Synonyms

ü  Prepositions and Conjunctions

ü  Punctuation (“” . , ? !)

ü  Singular Plural (Four Types: -s, -es, -ves, -ies)

ü  Vowels and Consonants

ü  Descriptive Paragraphs/Essays using Word Banks

ü  Creative Writing

ü  Day of the Week, Months & Seasons (Spellings)

ü  (Some English Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)


Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u More Practice of Sentence Making

u More Practice of Creative Writings

u More Practice of Punctuation (Level II)

u More Practice of Singular Plurals (New Lists)

u Letter Writing

u Conversation Writing




Topics Covered


ü  Word Problems

ü  Times Tables (2-10)

ü  Estimation and Rounding off (Tens, Hundreds and Thousands)

ü  1 - 4 Digit Multiplications

ü  2 - 4 Digit Addition and Subtraction

ü  2 - 3 Digit Division

ü  Ascending and Descending Numbers

ü  Roman Numerals

ü  Less and More

ü  Place Correspondence

ü  Currency

ü  Conversion of Words into Numbers

ü  (Some Maths Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)

Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u Algebra (BODMAS)

u Percentage

u Decimals and Fractions

u Distance Speed Time

u Equal and Unequal Proportions

u Measurements (Cm-Mm and Mm-Cm)



Topics Covered


ü  Joining Alphabets to Make Words

ü  Reading

ü  Breaking Words Into Alphabets

ü  Sentence Making

ü  Suffixes (“Taa” “Tee” “Tayy” “Laa” “Naa”) - To Make New Words

ü  Fruits

ü  Names of Vegetables

ü  Translation of English Passages Into Urdu

ü  (Some Urdu Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)



Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u Sentence Making (Still Requires more Practice)

u Vocabulary Building (Dictations)

u Compositions

u Comprehensions









Topics Covered


ü  Parts of Human Body

ü  Forces (Push and Pull)

ü  Colours (Names & Identification)

ü  (Some Science Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)


Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u Human Senses

u Muscular System

u Skeletal System

u Diffusion

u Water Cycle

u Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores

u Tastes



Social Studies


Topics Covered


ü  Months (In Sequence)

ü  Seasons: Spring, Autumn, Winter, Summer (With Corresponding to Months)

ü  Clothes corresponding to Seasons

ü  Foods; Healthy Foods and Junk Foods

ü  Revolution and Rotation of Planets And the Moon

ü  (Some Social Studies' Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)

Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u Solar System

u Agriculture

u Earth's Surfaces (Lakes, Mountains, Hills, Shores, Beaches Etcetera)

Areas for Improvement

è Needs to take more curricular responsibility

è Needs to work on his handwriting

è Needs to be generally more organised

è Needs to learn to voice his thoughts coherently

è Needs to work on holding on to older concepts.

Student: Muhammad Ahmad Muzaffar

Grade: 3

English Topics Covered


ü  Story Writing
“An Animal” “Non-Living Things” “Favourite Cartoon Character” “Fox and the Crow” “How I Spent My Eid” “My Pets”

ü  Translation of Urdu Sentences to English

ü  Descriptive Essays
“Mr. Twit” “Trip To The Zoo” “My Fingernails”

ü  Creative Writing
“One Day At Night---” “On A Rainy Day” “My Dog” “A Baby Cat” “Spending A Holiday” “I Would Like To Be A Farmer When I Grow Up”

ü  Comprehension
“My Dog” “The Happy Town”

ü  Sentence Making – Declarative, Statement, Exclamatory & Imperative Type

ü  Comparatives and Superlatives

ü  Concept of difference between 'Ask', 'Said' & 'Told'.

ü  Punctuation (“” . , ? !)

ü  Nouns (Common Nouns, Proper Nouns & Collective Nouns)

ü  Homophones

ü  Translation of Urdu Sentences to English

ü  Debate Writing
“In Favour of Buying Canteen Food” “In Favour of Taking Home-Made Lunch” “Should Schools Have Uniforms?” “Do you think Children should Have Mobile Phones”

ü  Phonics

ü  Making Questions using Answers

ü  Conept of “There, Their & They're”

ü  (Some English Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)

Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)

ü  More Practice of Synonyms and Antonyms

ü  More Practice of Singulars and Plurals

ü  Prefixes and Suffixes

ü  More Practice of Creative, Narrative, Descriptive and Debate Writing

ü  More Practice of Collective Nouns

ü  Letter Writing

Mathematics Topics Covered

ü  Even and Odd Numbers

ü  Word Problems

ü  Roman Numerals (I – X)

ü  Shapes (Quadrilaerals & Penta/Hexa/Hepta/Octa/Nana/Deca-gons)

ü  Angles (Right, Obtuse, Acute)

ü  Taking measurements (Cm – Mm)

ü  Times Tables (2 – 10)

ü  Lines (Intersecting, Parallel, Perpendicular)

ü  Decimal (Addition & Subtraction)

ü  Arrangement of Numbers in Ascending & Descending Order

ü  Reading and Writing Time (Concept of Am/ Pm)

ü  Analogue Clock Vs. Digital Clock

ü  Symmetry (Lines of Symmetry)

ü  Splitting Method Calculations

ü  Writing Numbers Into Words

ü  Uptil 4-Digit Additions & Subtractions

ü  2-3 Digit Multiplications & Divisions

ü  Estimation 7 Rounding off (To Nearest Tens, Hundreds & Thousands)

ü  Less and More

ü  (Some Maths Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)

Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u Algebra

u Measurements and Units (Mass, Weight, Volume, Length Width Height)

u Conversion (Cm-Mm, Mm-Cm, Kg-g, L-ml)

u Decimals

u Fractions

u Equal and Unequal Proportions

u Distance Speed Time

u Percentage


Science Topics Covered

ü  Living and Non-Living thing

ü  Alive and Dead Cells of the Human Body (Cells of Hair and Nails are called Dead Cells)

ü  Life Cycle of a Frog

ü  Forces (Push & Pull) – Gravitational & Magnetic Forces

ü  Seasons and their Corresponding Months

ü  Human Muscles

ü  Tastes

ü  Human Senses

ü  (Some Science Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)

Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)

u Physical properties of Matter (Solid, Liquid, Gas)

u Water Cycle

u Pollution

u Ecology and Food Chains

u Organism Classifications

u Carnivores, Herbivores and Omnivores


Social Studies Topics Covered

u Village Life and Urban Life

u Motor Vehicles

u Eating Habits

u Table Manners

u Junk Food & Healthy Food

u Significance of the Pakistani Flag

u Pakistan and Its Neighbours

u Pakistan's Provinces

u Pakistan's Capitals

u Rivers

u Earth's Surfaces and Land Bodies (Lakes, Shores, Mountains, Bays Etcetera)

u Facts About Asia (Asian Countries)

u Festivals in our Culture

u National and International Languages

u Farm Animals & Wild Animals

u (Some Social Studies' Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)

Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u Mining

u Agriculture

u Parts of a Car

u Types of Professions

Urdu  Topics Covered


ü  Urdu Numerals (1 – 10)

ü  Excessive and Repeated Sentences Making

ü  Translation of English Paragraphs into Urdu

ü  Breaking Words Into Alphabets

ü  Joining Alphabets Into Words

ü  Compositions

ü  (Some Urdu Topics covered were considered part of the student's School Home-work and are not mentioned here)


Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u More Practice of Composition Writing

u Mukaal-ma” Writing

u Letter Writing


Islamiyat Topics Covered


u The Story of Adam

u Worship Places of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians, Jews & Buddhists

u 5 Prayers; their Sunnahs, Fards and Nawafil

u Prohpet Muhammad (S.A.W.); the Last Prophet.

u Prophet Noah (P.B.U.H) And His Son.



Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


è Companions of the Prophet S.A.W;
Hazrat Umar (PBUH)
Hazrat Abu-Bakar (PBUH)
Hazrat Usman (PBUH)
Hazrat Ali (PBUH)

è Concept of Angels, Djinns and Aliens


Areas for Improvement

u Needs to take more curricular responsibility

u Needs to work on his handwriting

u Needs to be generally more organised

u Needs to learn to voice his thoughts coherently

u Needs to work on holding on to older concepts


Areas Improved


u Finishes work in a more timely manner now

u Shows a genuine interest in learning new concepts

u There has been an improvement in sentence structure

u Vocabulary has improved

u Sentence Structure has shown Improvement


Student: Fatimah Farooq

Grade: I


English Topics Covered


ü  Writing Words Using Phonics

ü  Reading

ü  Making Sentences

ü  Describing Pictures

ü  Making Questions using Answers

ü  Nouns

ü  Practice & Difference Between “This” and “That”

ü  Practice & Difference Between “In” and “On”

ü  Practice & Difference Between “Because” and “But”

ü  Concept of “An” and “A”

ü  Prepositions

ü  Vowels

ü  Punctuation (. , )

Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u Singulars and Plurals

u Level II Sentence Making

u Paragraph Writing

u Punctuations (? , ! .)

u Describing Past Events


Mathematics Topics Covered


ü  Usage of Time-line

ü  1-2 Digit Addition Subtraction & Multiplications

ü  Counting 1 – 100

ü  Backwards Counting


Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)

u 2 – 4 Digit Addition & Subtractions

u 2 – 3 Digit Multiplications

u 1 Digit Divisions

u 2 – 5 Times Tables




Urdu Topics Covered


ü  Reading

ü  Sentence Making

ü  Breaking Words Into Alphabets

ü  Joining Alphabets To Make Words

ü  Copying Sentences to Practice Flow and Rhythm of Urdu Writing


Topics Planned for Next Term (February – March)


u More Sentence Making Practice (Level II)

u Writing Paragraphs (Using Word Banks)

u Urdu Reading (Level II)






Grade one Curriculum


Alina Fatimah


1.      Numeric/ Alphabetical counting

2.      Odd and Even Numbers

3.      Operations: Addition, subtraction.

4.      Shapes; circle,triangle,square

5.      Time o’clock

6.      Backward counting 50-0

7.      Table of 2,3

8.      Number spelling 1-15

9.      What comes before, after, between.


English Language

1.      Alphabets Aa-Zz

2.      Initial, middle and ending sounds

3.      Vowels (use of a, an)

4.      Rhyming words (at,et,it,an,en,in,un,og,ch,sh)

5.      Words/opposites

6.      Singular/plural

7.      Name of colours (10)

8.      Name of fruits (5)

9.      Name of animals (10)

Reading radiant way


1.      reading qaida jag mag

2.      Alaf ta ye’ writing and oral

3.      Alaf mad aa sy alfaz

4.      Jorr and torr (a,o,e,ay)

5.      Lafz banain

6.      Phaloon k naam

7.      Rangon k naam

8.      Sabziyon k naam

9.      parhain ar alfaz ko tasveer sy milain

10.  khushkat likhain


1.      Seasons; Weather

2.      Difference between Living & Non-Living

3.      Animals; Types,  & Names

4.      Concept of Farm and Wild Animals

5.      Tastes

6.      Human Senses & Their Functions


Social Studies

1.      Pakistan

2.      Provinces

3.      Important Cities

4.      Historical buildings in Lahore

5.      Road Safety; following Signs



Extra-Curricular Activities

·         Learning parts of a Computer

·         Using Microsoft Paint for Illustrations

·         Making Structural Shapes through Clay/Play-dough

·         Constructing vehicles and Other Structures Using Construction Blocks

·         Learning English & Urdu Alphabets through Play Cards


                       Science (oral)

Q.1: How many seasons are there in a year?

Q.2: Tell the name of seasons.

Q.3: What are living things?

Q.4: What are non-living things?

Q.5: Tell 5 living and 5 non-living things?

Q.6: How many types of animals on earth?

Q.7: What are farm animals? Tell 5 farm animals name.

Q.8: what are wild animals? Tell 5 wild animals name.

Q.9: How many tastes we have? Tell names.

Q.10: How many sences we have? Tell names.



                        Social Studies

Q.1: What is the name of our country?

Q.2: What is the capital city of Pakistan?

Q.3: When Pakistan comes into being?

Q.4: How many provinces of Pakistan?

Q.5: Tell the name of provinces.

Q.6: In which province and city we live?

Q.7: Tell the name of 3 historical places of Lahore.

Q.8: Tell the name of 5 big cities of Pakistan.

Q.9: How many light sign in traffic signal? Tell their colours.

Q.10: What is the purpose of traffic signals?



Q.1: How many parts of computer?

Q.2: Tell the name of computer parts.

Q.3: On/off computer

Q.4: Open paint program

Q.5: painting on computer



Q.1: Who is ALLAH?

Q.2: Can we see ALLAH?

Q.3: Who has made us and this world?

Q.4: Where is ALLAH?

Q.5: Who are we?

Q.6: Who is Muslim?

Q.7: What is the name of our Prophet?

Q.8: Where was He born?

Q.9: When was He born?

Q.10: What is His father name?

Q.11: What is His mother name?

Q.12: Who is the first Prophet of ALLAH?

Q.13: Who is the last prophet of ALLAH?

Q.14: What is the name of Holy Book?

Q.15: What is Tawz,Tassmiyah,Takbir?

Q.16: How many prayers? name

         Recite 1st n 2nd kalma, Sorat kosar







TIME: YEAR 2011-Dec-Feb 2012








Alif to khy: orally, recognition, written

MODE:  matching, missing words, dotted lines, colouring, finding in a jumble word, flash cards






WRITTEN:  Aa to Qq.

MODE: phonics, beginning sounds, matching, missing words, jumble words. Relating objects to everyday life with meaning. Watching phonic video and doing music of phonics. Playing phonics on computer, flash cards.

INTRODUCTION OF COURTESY WORDS: please, thankyou, sorry, good morning, excuse me.






ORALLY:  0-50


MODE:  mental maths, flash cards, NHM (sorting and counting to 10), join through dotted lines, missing numbers, backward counting. Watching numbers videos, playing numbers on computer, activity play during games, writing on board with marker, counting everyday things.

SHAPES: identification of shapes: circle, triangle, square, star, rectangle.






























Bahawal is ADHD child with delayed speech and language. His cognition is good. He can express his needs. He can pick the concepts easily. When he was come here he counts orally till English he read a-z orally. He writes 1-4 .he has concept of shapes triangle, square and circle. Now in maths he can count 1-40 with minimum help and can write English he can recognize and write letters A-J with vocabulary. in urdu he can recognize and write Alaf to Say.He is also able to recognise and produce colours,fruits,animal’s name and bodyparts. He needs more work on pencil grip (fine motor skills), attention span, sitting behaviour, speech and language and academic also.



Grade one Curriculum ( Jan 2012-March 2012)





1.      Numeric/ Alphabetical counting

2.      Odd and Even Numbers

3.      Operations: Addition, subtraction.

4.      Shapes; circle,triangle,square

5.      Time o’clock

6.      Backward counting 50-0

7.      Table of 2-5

8.      Number spelling 1-15

9.      What comes before, after, between.


English Language


1.      Alphabets Aa-Zz

2.      Initial, middle and ending sounds

3.      Vowels (use of a, an)

4.      Rhyming words (at,et,it,an,en,in)

5.      Singular/plural

6.      Name of colours (5)

7.      Name of fruits (5)

8.      Name of animals (5)

9.      Reading radiant way.


1.      reading qaida jag mag

2.      Alaf ta ye’ writing and oral

3.      Alaf mad aa sy alfaz

4.      Jorr and torr (a,o,e,ay)

5.      Lafz banain

6.      Phaloon k naam

7.      Rangon k naam

8.      Sabziyon k naam

9.      parhain ar alfaz ko tasveer sy milain

10.  khushkat likhain


1.      Seasons; Weather

2.      Difference between Living & Non-Living

3.      Concept of Farm and Wild Animals

4.      Tastes

5.      Human Senses & Their Functions


Social Studies


1.      Pakistan

2.      Provinces

3.      Important Cities

4.      Historical buildings in Lahore

5.      Road Safety; following Signs



Extra-Curricular Activities

·         Learning parts of a Computer

·         Using Microsoft Paint for Illustrations

·         Making Structural Shapes through Clay/Play-dough

·         Constructing vehicles and Other Structures Using Construction Blocks

·         Learning English & Urdu Alphabets through Play Cards




                       Science (oral)

Q.1: How many seasons are there in a year?

Q.2: Tell the name of seasons.

Q.3: What are living things?

Q.4: What are non-living things?

Q.5: Tell 5 living and 5 non-living things?

Q.7: What are farm animals? Tell 5 farm animals name.

Q.8: what are wild animals? Tell 5 wild animals name.

Q.9: How many tastes we have? Tell names.

Q.10: How many sences we have? Tell names.



                        Social Studies

Q.1: What is the name of our country?

Q.2: What is the capital city of Pakistan?

Q.3: When Pakistan comes into being?

Q.4: How many provinces of Pakistan?

Q.5: Tell the name of provinces.

Q.6: In which province and city we live?

Q.7: Tell the name of 3 historical places of Lahore.

Q.8: Tell the name of 5 big cities of Pakistan.

Q.9: How many light sign in traffic signal? Tell their colours.

Q.10: What is the purpose of traffic signals?



Q.1: How many parts of computer?

Q.2: Tell the name of computer parts.

Q.3: On/off computer

Q.4: Open paint program

Q.5: painting on computer




Q.1: Who is ALLAH?

Q.2: Can we see ALLAH?

Q.3: Who has made us and this world?

Q.4: Where is ALLAH?

Q.5: Who are we?

Q.6: Who is Muslim?

Q.7: What is the name of our Prophet?

Q.8: Where was He born?

Q.9: When was He born?

Q.10: What is His father name?

Q.11: What is His mother name?

Q.12: Who is the first Prophet of ALLAH?

Q.13: Who is the last prophet of ALLAH?

Q.14: What is the name of Holy Book?

Q.15: What is Tawz,Tassmiyah,Takbir?

Q.16: How many prayers? name

         Recite 1st n 2nd kalma, Sorat kosar